Appel à candidature – Stage à l’Ambassade de Belgique à Budapest

Appel à candidature – Stage à l’Ambassade de Belgique à Budapest

3 Novembre 2021 14:50

The Belgian Embassy in Budapest is offering a voluntary University-level internship in the diplomatic fields (November 2021- February 2022).

Your tasks will include, among other :


  • Political analysis of Hungarian affairs
  • Media monitoring
  • Participate in conferences, workshops and meetings on behalf of the Belgian embassy
  • Do summaries and synthesis of economic, politic and diplomatic reports
  • Follow civil society and academic perspectives in Hungary
  • Public diplomacy initiatives

The primary focus of this position is within the diplomatic and political field and public diplomacy area. However, we also expect candidates to be flexible enough to also engage in consular and/or administrative work if needed.


Candidates should:

  • Have at least a bachelor’s degree in relevant matters
  • Have a proficiency in English and Hungarian
  • Have a proficiency in one of Belgium’s other national languages (Dutch / French )
  • Show a real interest in Belgium and its foreign policy
  • Have a sense of initiative, show autonomy and be able to work in a team.

Applications can be submitted by e-mail to before 15th of November 2021. They should include an up-to-date CV and a letter of motivation in Dutch or French. The selected candidate will be notified shortly after.

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